Libby Cooper
Libby has participated in public patient involvement initiatives since 2010: she was with Cancer Research UK and The CRICK Institute and is now Vice-Chair of Data-Can’s PPIE group. She is a Lay Panel member for the UCL/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre; reviews proposals for the National Institute for Health and Care Research; acts as a Review Panel Member for UCL’s PPI Bursary Fund; is a PPI rep for an NIHR research programme on the use of new molecular diagnostics to identify antibiotic resistance; and was a PPI rep for a study on student diversity in medical education. She has been a member of Insight’s PPI group for the past two years.
Libby was Director of The Community Research Advisory Centre at North London University during the 80s. She was the founder and Director of Charities Evaluation Services throughout the 90s – an organisation initiated by the Home Office to improve the effectiveness of charities; and then she established Amber Analysis – a research and evaluation organisation working internationally with charities, grant making organisations and governments.Â
Libby has post graduate qualifications in psychology and research methodology and an Honorary Doctorate from Middlesex University.

Experience and interests